Beacon on the Hill Sports Marketing

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Smart Growth Strategies

  1. Assumptions
  2. Concerns
  3. Five Central Ideas


SMART GROWTH details how to blend real estate and overall economic growth of the city and region via a new stadium and, more importantly, with an NFL team. There are two dynamics that have historically been unchanged regardless of people and politics, ideologies and policies, religions and races:

MACRO-level:the only constant in history is change.It can be slowed but never stopped. There are those who attempt new worlds (often called liberal or progressive) and those who attempt to raise previous favored ones (often called conservative). Too often both want to conserve or freeze in place what others would call revoltionary or reactionary. It doesn't matter. Change can't be stopped. Both goals are unrealistic.

MICRO-level:all human interaction takes place face-to-face within the concept of roles, whether shared or not, whether perceived equally or not, whether anticipaed in the same way or not, whether understood or not, but which are always expected one from another. One cannot live a role free existence. And the greatest success, personally and professionaly, comes when people don't break role.

The following assumptions are based are reflectdions on articles in various Southern California papers, June 22, 2002, but which are applicable to any city:

Concerns to consider:

4 Central Ideas
Beacon On The Hill SportsMarketing marches to the drumbeat of five central ideas:

  1. We are friends of the team(s) and want to help them solve their problem of how to achieve their goal of building/renovating a stadium with little or no debt and no new taxes.
  2. We are friends of all sports fans and want to show them how to achieve their goal of positively supporting their team while we are also friends of ownership and management and want to show them how to be supportive of the community while being able to have a profitable team.
  3. We are friends of the sports fans and are responding positively to their challenge to "show us," with our various models for how to build/renovate a stadium with only normal infrastructure public spending, how to incur little or no debt, and how to generate profits on an on-going basis; year round, so the team can stay competitive, not to mention stay in the community.
  4. We are friends of everyone, responding positively to the invitation for how to hold a city conversation, by providing a series of models that could be used to facilitate such a series of resolution conversations and meetings.
  5. Teams need to thin inside the box (game day revenues at the stadium) and outside the box (revenues outside the stadium on game day as well as non-game day revenues, which are discussed at 40 Revenue Streams in 26 Categories.

Beacon on the Hill Sports Marketing reminds everyone, including those who don't follow closely or not at all, that professional teams are on the same level of investment in the future as transit, real estate projects, free ways, and theater. They are part of the investment communities make to retain and attract the talented wealth-producers of the new economy. These investments benefit everyone. New wealth will fix and sustain good schools, health care, roads, compassionate social services and civic pride that cities expect and cherish. Deep down, we believe that citizens hunger for better than "good enough."

Beacon on the Hill Sports Marketing can help any team and its city bring the big four together (developers, tourist industry, environmentalists, and citizen watchdogs/voters/tax payers) to work for the benefit of "now" and for the future.

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